Hey warlocks! Cody Martin came to us with a homebrew world idea, but needed help to add to the surrounding areas! He wanted three ancient societies that were very advanced, but mysteriously collapsed, leaving unexplored ruins behind. Here is what we came up with!

To the north of the city lies the runes of an ancient civilization that few have explored. It’s rumored that this city was the home of knowledge of everything related to the world. Within the runes, there are three crumbling large libraries that hold thousands and thousands of books. There are books on everything and anything you could possibly want to know. But, the ruins are protected by guardians, shielding and protecting the books from scavengers. Due to not being inhabited by normal citizens for decades, the plants have taken back the land and much of the buildings are covered in vines and plants.
Typical Enemies for the area
Defense Guardians (see stats below)
Plant-based monsters (i.e. Shriekers)
Thief type monsters (i.e. Goblins and Drow)
Typical Loot and Information for the area
Knowledge on all of the history of the continent
Books containing alchemy and spells
Basic weapons
When exploring this area it should be heavier on the discovery than combat. There will be random groups of goblins and squatters trying to find places to lay low and live. This would be a good place to find things such as dungeon and land maps. In addition, this would be a good place to implement a temple or dungeon. Rewards for completing it could be artifacts needed later in the campaign or magic items.

The city to the west is a ruin that is essentially inhabitable. Inside are the ruins of the advance civilization accredited for all of the advances in war and defense. The ruin is completely surrounded by large walls. Within the walls is crawling with large assault guardians. It is unknown how they have been able to function after all this time. No one in the current society has been able to study the region as anyone who attempts to enter the walls is bombarded with the attacks. Inside the walls are various arenas said to be training areas where spectators could watch the marvelous combat happening.
Typical enemies for the area
The only enemies should be the Assault Guardians (see stats below)
Heavy attack based monsters (i.e. Orcs)
Typical loot for the area
Good loot would be high damage weapons that can be looted off destroyed guardians
When exploring this area it should be just as heavy on combat as is on exploration. The area should be difficult to maneuver and would be easier to use stealth than brute force. If you implement a dungeon here, good rewards would be higher damage weapons or higher defensive armor.

To the east lies the ruins of the civilization that run solely on magic. Out of the three, this one is the one that is guarded the least. But even though there is hardly any guardians, there are plenty of magical traps (you as the DM decide which kind). The place is full of crumbling magic labs covered in thick vines which conceal the century old traps.
Typical enemies for the area
Arcana Guardians (see stats below)
Ghouls or undead
Lesser fiends
Typical loot for area
Magic books
Magical weapons
When exploring this ruin, you should come across guardians and magic creatures alike. This area would be good to implement magic items you need for your campaign. This would be a good area to put a temple or dungeon heavily based on magic creatures and traps.
The Guardians
The guardians are humanoid machines created back when the ancient cities were at their peak. The guardians took the place of soldiers and law enforcement officers. While they are sentient they only act on the orders given by the elders of the cities. Now, without guidance they roam and protect their last order, which was to protect the cities at all costs. What powers them is unknown to most of the current world. The source lies beneath the Magicus, but no one knows what the true core is made of or what powers it to this day.
The Assault Guardian
This guardian was created for offensive battles and wars. They are built for speed and direct damage.

HP: 32
AC: 16
Strength: 18 (+2)
Dexterity: 15 (+1)
Constitution: 13 (+0)
Wisdom: 9 (-1)
Intelligence: 8 (-2)
Charisma: 10 (0)
Great sword: 2d6+2 Slashing Damage
Arrow Launcher: 1d8+1 Piercing Damage
Great Axe: 1d12+2 Slashing Damage
Damage Immunizes
Cannot be Charmed, Frightened, and is immune to magical sleep.
Special Actions
Multi-attack: The Assault Guardian can use its bonus action to make a second melee attack.
The Defense Guardian
This guardian was greater created to defend the cities from invaders and to act as law enforcement. They are built for extreme defense.

HP: 56
AC: 17
Strength: 16 (+1)
Dexterity: 16 (+1)
Constitution: 18 (+2)
Wisdom: 13 (0)
Intelligence: 10 (0)
Charisma: 9 (-1)
Trident: 1d6+1 Piercing
Net: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is Restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. When you use an action, Bonus Action, or Reaction to Attack with a net, you can make only one Attack Regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
Damage Immunizes
Cannot be Charmed, Frightened, and is immune to magical sleep.
Special Actions
Alert: As a bonus action, the Defense Guardian can sound an alarm. Any defense guardian within a mile radius will report to the location.
The Arcana Guardian
The Arcana guardian was a machine created to test new magical advances. These Guardians are advanced in offensive fighting but are not made for extreme combat.

HP: 30
AC: 15
Strength: 10 (0)
Dexterity: 14 (+1)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Wisdom: 17(+2)
Intelligence: 17 (+2)
Charisma: 10 (0)
Firebolt: 1d10 Fire Damage
Ray of Frost: 1d8 Cold Damage
Chromatic Orb: 3d8 ( You choose the damage type).
Damage Immunizes
Cannot be Charmed, Frightened, and is immune to magical sleep.
Special Actions
Teleport- The Arcana Guardian can use the spell Misty step as a bonus action. This ability takes 10 minutes to cool down.
The original idea was requested by Cody Martin. It was revised and edited it by us, Bards of Lore. We take no credit in creating this world!