Hey there Scribes! Archer came to us with a bit of an odd request. He needed a bunch of mimics with weird abilities that weren't your typical treasure chest ones for an upcoming campaign. There was going to be a kingdom full of mimics that the party needed to go through. We did our best to be creative and funny! Let us know what you think!
For stat block of mimics, use the DnD 5e guide found here! Just add the special abilities below to it. Scale to your party!
Bedroll mimic
Looks like just an everyday bedroll. Once the player is sleeping, the sheets come alive and grapple the player. Make a Strength saving throw to break free.
Carriage mimic
Once the players use it to travel, it takes a while to reveal it's true form. Once it does, any items that the players were hauling get taken by the mimic. In order to get it back, you'll have to trade another item for it.
Log mimic
At first, it's just a log. But once this log is used to start a fire, it comes alive. It casts the spell Fireball at any players nearby.

Bible mimic
Unlike most mimics, this one doesn't deal damage. This appears to be a basic Bible, but once opened it comes alive. If you feed this mimic food or say a prayer, this mimic cast Cure Wounds on the player holding it. It then becomes friendly to the party.
Chest mimic
This looks like a regular chest, but once opened, it doesn't deal damage or bite the player. Instead, this one likes to play jokes. This one steals whatever weapons the player has on it with its tongue. In order to get them back, you'll need to find another item to trade for the weapons back. You as the DM decides how many weapons it takes and the item to get it back.
Lute mimic
The mimic stays in the lute form the entire time, trying to get players to play it. Once they do, anyone who can hear is enchanted by the beautiful music. This mimic casts Charm on anyone who is listening.
Mug mimic
Full of ale, this mug never seems to be empty no matter how much the player drinks. It almost seems magical. Once the player is intoxicated, the mimic transforms and engages in battle with the drunk player.
Horse mimic

This mimic tries not to do damage but likes to just mildly annoy the rider. No matter how much they pull on the reins or tug it in a certain direction, it never follows. It just goes wherever it pleases and never stops.
Wizard mimic
This mimic has perfected the craft of being a human and walking among them. This mimic acts just like a town mage who runs a potion shop. But, he has different motives. He engages in battle with the party but can also cast Chromatic Orb. Once his HP hits 0, it transforms back into its original form. But be careful of the potions it made, who knows what they do.
Potted plant mimic
This beautiful flower looks innocent but has a monster hidden in its petals. Once someone gets close enough, it casts Entangle on the player. After the player is trapped, it tries to bite any of their flesh for food.
Fire mimic
This one usually works alongside the Log mimic above. It starts off as a small ember in the campfire. But the hotter it gets, the bigger the flames get. Eventually, it transforms into a minor Fire Elemental and engages in battle with the party.
Cute dog mimic

This little fellow looks like an adorable dog who follows around the people in the party begging for treats or pets. If they interact with the dog at all, it lashes out and tries to bite them as their true form.
Leech mimic
This mimic starts out as a very small leech found in the woods. It attaches itself to the player and slowly starts draining their blood. If they ignore it, it grows in size until the player starts taking damage and becomes exhausted. It can only be taken off the player by being stabbed or burned off.
Fruit tree mimic
This tree is home to delicious-looking fruit. It seems to shimmer in the light and looks so tasty. But, if the player eats the fruit, they slowly become poisoned. It grows more intense the more fruit they eat.
Glasses mimic
These glasses are rumored to be magical, either cursed or blessed depending on which person you talk to. If the players obtain them and wear it around, overtime the player slowly becomes blind.
The original idea was given to us by Archer Grey. It was written and revised by us, Bards of Lore. We take no credit in the creation of this campaign idea!