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Monster Hunter Guilds

Writer's picture: Bards of LoreBards of Lore

Mikayla, a new DM, came to us with an idea she had for a one-shot campaign. She wanted it to be about demon slayer and monster hunting guilds! The end game was to stop them from summoning a demon lord, or something along the lines of that! She had an idea but needed a world to build off of. That's where we came in!


The Continent

The City (name it what you would like)

This is the city where most of the civilization lives. Due to the vast number of creatures and monsters that inhabit the continent. The society is built around the guilds that protect the city from severe threats. The townspeople pay taxes that go into the bounties that are placed on the monsters. The guilds then venture out into the wild to eliminate the monster and collect the bounty.

The Lava Terrain

This terrain is home to the more demonic monsters on the continent. Also, there are murmurs of a group of mages who have defected and are practicing dark magic in this area. They are producing the more vicious creatures that have been attacking recently.

The Ice Terrain

The ice terrain is home to docile and rare monsters in the continent. There is rumored to be a sleeping monster under the ice that can destroy cities in minutes.

The Jungle Terrain

This terrain surrounds the city and is home to a lot of pack hunting monsters. In addition, there are small groups of goblins roaming the jungle and are known to attack and steal guildsmen when they are out hunting.

The Guilds

Guilds in this society are pivotal when it comes to protection from creatures. The citizens pay taxes to establish bounties for powerful creatures, that are in turn hunted by the guilds. Guildsmen are highly regarded in society and seen as protectors. These are perfect places for your players to build characters or backgrounds off. The Hunters code is strictly followed by all guild members, no matter what guild they reside in. The code can fit in any rules you wish, but the biggest one should be no combat between guild members and non-monsters.

The Crimson Lions

Leader: Alphonse Leoth

This guild is very centered on straight forward combat. This guild currently leads the capital in completed bounties and is heavily known for being the most efficient when hunting monsters. Their leader Leoth is a very kind and straightforward person. This is shown in the members, as they care a lot about the community and always donates a cut of their bounties to the poorer areas of their community.

Crimson Lions in-game:

Leoth is kind and helpful. He started as a lower-ranking Hunter in the Black Canary guild. He worked his way through the ranks before being challenged to a duel by the previous leader on the Lions. After Leoth was victorious he was granted leadership of the Crimson Lions. His combat style is heavily based on Short sword and Shield.

When Roleplaying Leoth:

Leoth should come off very kind especially if your players are from his guild. As his position shows he is very skilled at physical combat. If the situation is dire Leoth will give aid to the players. Leoth is a tall human man. He has long light red hair with dark blue eyes. He has a large scar on his neck that sustained during combat with his first hunting bounty.

Other Guild members:

All members of this guild are skilled in hand to hand combat. They will come off a bit cocky and confident, but they are genuine and kind. They all wear their traditional red armor and clothing at all times.

The Black Canaries

Leader: Isla Windsor

The Black Canaries are a guild of dark and mysterious swordsmen. They are known for their solo-hunting style, where one member will stalk prey for weeks while they assess its weaknesses. They prefer this rather than rushing in with multiple guildsmen with the possibility of casualties.

Black Canaries in-game:

Isla is a rather cold woman. She has been the sole leader of the Canaries since its founding. She rarely will go into battle unless the threat is great enough or one of her members are in danger. She was originally trained by her father in sword and shield combat. She then used her abilities to build a Hunter guild and train some of the most powerful swordsmen like the current Lions leader Alphonse Leoth.

When Roleplaying Isla Windsor:

She is a quiet and reserved person. The only real-time your players should run into her, would be if they found themselves in the guild building. If your players are members of this guild she would be much softer on them. She can assist your players of she is convinced. It will be much easier to convince her if you belong to the guild. Isla is an older high elf. She has long black/gray hair. She carries her signature short swords on her belt at all times.

Other Guild Members:

The Canaries are secretive and will speak to players, but will not engage in super long conversations. Each is equipped with their special swords, made by their leader Isla.

The Violet Locusts

Leader: Vroll

The Violet Locusts are a very brutal and cut-throat guild. They specialize in attacking on mounts and in large groups. They don't pay much attention to the public and only care about killing monsters, drinking, and gambling.

Violet Locusts in-game:

Not much is known about Vroll. He came to become the leader of the Locusts after the previous leader was killed in battle. Vroll is very skilled with daggers and will often ride his bear Luna into combat. Vroll comes off idiotic but is truly one of the most intelligent people in the city. This is due to his ability to sneak and hide for days at a time.

When Role Playing Vroll:

He is a very cruel and self-centered man. He will make bargains if himself and the guild will benefit. He can be useful to players if A.) They can find him, and B.) Can make it worth his while. As stated before he can provide a lot of info about monsters and details of the city and its people. Everything he knows will come for a price. Vroll is a small Goblin male. He always wears his purple hood and skeleton mask. He wears a belt with 10 daggers of different shapes and sizes around his waist and he rides a small bear named Luna into combat.

Other Guild Members:

All of the Locusts are wild and cutthroat. They will give your players grief but still believe in the hunter's code, so unless provoked, they will not attack.

The Azure Wolves

Leader: Stella Gilder

The Azure Wolves are a guild based on their magical prowess. The Wolves are very secluded and only take the most extreme bounties and have a near-perfect history of completing jobs. All of the guild members are skilled mages but are also skilled with melee weapons.

Azure Wolves in-game:

Stella is one of the city's most skilled mages. Stella cares deeply about her members, so much so that she hand teaches each of them the art of magic. Stella was a member of the Azure Wolves when she was a child and was taught magic by the previous leader. Stella doesn't speak often and looks down on people who don't possess the ability to use magic.

When Roleplaying Stella Gilder:

If your players are from the Wolves, Stella will be very welcoming. If your players seek her out she will be reserved but can assist. She has special knowledge and understanding of magic-based monsters. She should give special treatment to magic users. Stella is a medium height tiefling light blue skin. She has light gray eyes and short curved horns on her head. Stella is always accompanied by her two mage hands that she uses to do tasks while she works.

Other Guild Members:

All the Wolves are skilled magic users and share their leaders angst for non-magic users.


The original idea was created by Mikayla Winger. It was written, revised, and edited by us, Bards of Lore. We take no credit in creating the creation of the original idea.

1 Comment

Haley Girdler
Haley Girdler
Oct 11, 2019

Monster Guilds sound like a great idea!


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