Educardo Ceolho sent us walls of texts explaining the in depth world he had created for his players. It was a heavily magic based society with a rift splitting the world down the middle. In this rift, forces of pure evil lived in chaos, a lawless society with no sense of hope. The civilizations outside of the rift used the intense magic power to fuel their forges and kept the place running.
He needed help with explaining how the rift got there and why. Eduardo was just lost! So, after some brainstorming over a few days, here is what we came up with! Enjoy!
The pure Essence of Good and the pure Essence of Evil came together and made a planet together. The two were in perfect harmony at first, the two forces balancing each other out. For hundreds of years, the two cosmic forces kept each other in check and humanity flourished.

Eventually, the two forces started pulling for more power. The Essence of Good would use more of its power and the Essence of Evil would too. It made the two forces start to despise each other. They came down to the mortal world, taking on humanoid forms. The anger roared and they began an epic fight.
The fight caused catastrophic floods, fires, and storms. The pure raw magical energy from the two was radiating all throughout the word. The world was thrown in chaos for years. Goodness would pull ahead of evil and harmony would be restored. Shortly after, Evil would pull ahead and darkness would consume the world. This comic pull of power went back and forth, trying to get ahead of the other.
The two forces knew that the fight was coming to an end. The world couldn’t handle so many magical forces and humanity was on the brink of extinction. The Essence of Evil roared and used the last remaining bit of its dwindling powers to smack the ground with its mighty hand. Termors picked up, cracking the ground for miles. A massive rift opened up down the middle of the planet where pure evil and dark magic seeped out from. Waves and waves of monster started pouring out into the world as the humanoid form of Evil dissipated, laughing as it went. Panicked, the Essence of Good used its last remaining power to split in two. The two forces went to the Northern and Southern points of the rift and started a prayer. The massive prayer blessed the lands on where they were standing, causing a seal to be placed over the rift. The forces of evil were confined to only the rift, never to reach the outside world again. Just like the Evil, the massive use of power caused the humanoid figure to dissipate back into the universe.
The balance of the world was restored once again. Humanity was able to rebuild with massive societies building on top of the powerful magical energy of the blessed lands. Evil was contained to the rift where the structure of a lawless and chaotic society began to form. Every so often, the monster that was forged in the rift escape and cause destruction where ever they go. But every time, the harmony between Good and Evil was restored back to the perfect balance. A perfect yin and yang.
The original idea was created by Educardo Ceolho. It was revised and edited it by us, Bards of Lore. We take no credit in creating this world or the ideas listed above!