Hi Scribes! This backstory is way different from what we usually write! Gwen came to us with a character who had been turned into a slime. Yes, you read that right. This was so much fun to write, so let us know what you think!
Nicky lived a pretty normal life, in a comfortable house with an easy job as a baker for the local bakery. His life wasn't crazy or adventurous. One of his regulars at the bakery was a handsome man named Haze. Even though he was taller than Nicky was, this half-elf stole his heart. He had beautifully tanned skin with deep blue eyes and long black hair that was usually tied into a bun. Haze and Nicky became good friends, which eventually turned into a romantic relationship. Their life together was perfect!
But, the perfect life they were living together suddenly stopped short. Haze fell sick one day and it never healed. He became more and more sick, which left Nicky to be his caretaker. He stayed by his husband's side, always making sure he was okay and had the best healing he could buy. The clerics of the town didn't know what was wrong with Haze but knew his time on this planet was coming to an end soon. Nicky was heartbroken. He couldn't live without Haze!

Although the clerics said he couldn't be healed, Nicky didn't listen. He decided that he wanted to find the best healing money could buy. But, living off of his bakery job wasn't enough. Nicky was lost on what to do until he got a side job offer one day while working. A shady-looking girl came in and asked him about Haze. She had heard that he needed better healing but Nicky didn't have the money to come up with it. She told him to meet her at the edge of the woods tonight. Nicky didn't know what to do. He decided to at least hear her out.
Once Haze was asleep, he left the house to meet the mysterious girl. When he arrived, he realized that the girl was in the underground gang in town, The Black Hand. The leader was a scruffy half-orc named Ryder. He told Nicky that if he helped on some 'assignments', the gang would pay for the best healing for Haze. Nicky would do anything for his husband and instantly agreed. And so it began.
Once a week, Nicky began stealing small items from the rich around town. Haze noticed that Nicky was more tired than usual but Nicky said that he took an extra job at a tavern. Haze didn't question him much more than that but begged him to quit his second job. But, Nicky assured he was fine.
This went on for months. Nicky became better at stealing and started stealing more high priced items. He would give the items to the gang and they would give him a portion of the pay. But, Nicky was getting frustrated at Ryder. He still hadn't got the healing for Haze! Ryder kept assuring him that he would get it once Nicky paid his portion of the deal. So he just kept waiting but eventually got tired of it. In addition to the items he stole for the gang, he was stealing more. He would sell them on the black market in town and tell Ryder that he didn't get anything else. Haze needed the healing and he would do anything to get it! The other members of the Black Hand were starting to become suspicious of Nicky and rumors were spreading. But, Nicky played it off well.
Eventually, Nicky got assigned a huge mission with three other members. They were supposed to steal a powerful gem at a college for mages a town over. It was a very well known magic college that housed powerful items and spells. The four of them headed out a few days later. They entered college with ease and had no problems. The group split up in search of items to bring back. Nicky found his item easy but saw the gem. After he acquired it, he decided not to tell the group about it. When they met up, he said that he couldn't find it. But suddenly, Ryder walked in. He had a sinister smile on his face and shook his head.
"Damn, I wanted to be wrong about you. But guess the rumors were true," he said, as the three members grabbed Nicky and held him still. Ryder reached into Nicky's coat and grabbed the gem. He shook his head in disappointment.
"You got greedy, boy."

They lead Nicky by the collar of his shirt deeper into the college. They eventually came to a huge laboratory room that had massive tubs of liquids. Some were glowing, some were bubbling, and each of them had strong magic energy coming off of it. They climbed to a platform that was a bridge over one of the vats. The thick liquid was bright green that swirled around almost as if it was alive. Ryder turned to Nicky and said, "Too bad that Haze will be left alone now. I'll be sure to inform him of your greediness. Poor Haze."
In a flash, Ryder pulled out a dagger and with lighting speed, stabbed Nicky directly in the chest. Nicky buckled to the floor in searing pain. Without breaking a stride, Ryder kicked Nicky into the thick liquid and walked away. Nicky was in shock. He was sure he was going to die, either by drowning or the stab wound. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate. I'm sorry, my love, he thought right before the darkness started to surround him. But, suddenly there was a bright flash of green. A strong burning sensation erupted on his skin, literally making his limbs feel like they were melting. He screamed under the liquid and swallowed some of it. With another flash of green liquid, his body transformed and he passed out from the pain.
Hours later, he awoke in the liquid still. He pulled himself out and was shocked he was alive. But when he looked down, he saw where his hands once were was a grey slimy substance. He stared for what seems like hours at his hands as a realization came over him. "Oh no. I'm a slime!" He screamed into the darkness of the laboratory. What should he do? How could he be turned back? In a daze, he stumbled out of the college and headed back home.
When he arrived, he stuck to the shadows, confused about what to do. He snuck into the house quietly but noticed quickly that Haze was no longer here. A note was on the bed where he rested. It read,
A man named Ryder came by. He said you sent him to take me to a powerful mage to heal me. I don't know when I will return or if it will even work, but I will be home when I can. He said you paid a large price to get me this healing. I wanted to wait for you to return but Ryder insisted that we leave right away. I love you and thank you for all your hard work.
Nicky cried in confusion and sorrow. Ryder must have not told Haze what really happened. He must not even know that he didn't even kill Nicky! He quickly found some clothes that masked his new appearance and decided to head out. He didn't know where he was going, but he had two goals. One to figure out how to turn back into a halfling. The second to find the love of his life. And nothing would get his way this time.
Original idea by Gwen Whichard. It was written and revised by, Bards of Lore! We take no credit in the creation of this character!