Hey everyone! Thank you for looking into our site! Since I've posted what we worked on so far, I completely forgot to post an introduction for those who have just stumbled across us! So, let's do that!
We are Bards of Lore and we're a writing service for people looking for help. We currently do Dungeons and Dragons 5e backstories, homebrew content, and cultural concepts. We are working on much more though, such as NPCs and charts (like Wild Mage magic)! If you are interested in our help, just message us on either our Facebook, our email (bardsoflore@gmail.com) or here on our site! But enough about our brand, let's get to know the faces behind the username!

Hi, I'm Haley! And with my boyfriend, Tom, we created this brand. The two of us have a million and one story ideas spinning around in our heads. We are both constantly writing short stories just to ease our hunger for creative writing. We are also working on a creepypasta story where I am the editor and Tom is the writer (it took the back burner for this idea though). The two of us decided to create this brand to help out you guys create stories for your characters and worlds. We didn't think we would get as much love as we currently have! But, we are ecstatic that we aren't the only ones with hundreds of ideas rolling around in their head.
Even though we do this completely for fun and entertainment, I'm currently an English major in college looking to expand my creative writing. I have years of "practice", writing short stories of my own, but it has developed over time into an obsession. I'm looking into becoming an Editor later in life and what a better way to practice then this!
Fun fact about me is that I love pugs, and have an unhealthy obsession with The Legend of Zelda!
Tom on the other hand isn't looking for a degree in English, but absolutely loves writing. He constantly talks about story ideas and has a new one every 5 seconds, I swear. He has trouble writing what he means so I usually edit and revise his work for him, which is another reason we had this idea! He is the more creative one with the ideas out of the two of us, where I am more structured. Having this site is helping me open up more and not be so scared to do new things!
Fun fact about him is that he also loves The Legend of Zelda, watches old mob movies, and loves mythology. His dog is also my dog's grandpuppy! Isn't that so cool?
But, that's enough about us. What's a fun fact about you?
As we grow this brand, we hope that all of you will follow along with us on this journey. It is great to see the following we already have and can't wait to connect with all of you! We both take a lot of pride in the work we do, and strive to give you all nothing but perfection. Thank you for letting us nerd out with you!