Hey Scribes! We have a long backstory today that we wrote for Jarred who had a strange request. He wanted a backstory to match a character that always has bad stuff happen to him. Meaning whatever is the worse possible outcome for a situation, that is what happens. So, we took it and ran with it. This is currently both of our favorite backstory we've written to date! Let me know what you think!
Bartaner was born into a loving family. His father Reale raised him alone, as his mother sadly perished during his birth. To honor his wife, Reale opened the city's first orphanage. As he grew, Bartaner helped his father run the orphanage until eventually, he took over completely. He hired a nun named Sister Stephine to help him with the day to day tasks. Bartaner loved the children of the orphanage as if they were his own. He truly looked over them as if he was their father and they loved him as if he actually was. As the years passed by, Bartaner found himself falling for Sister Stephine even though she couldn't date due to her faith. He constantly made attempts to sway her into a relationship but she was devoted to her faith. Even still, he tried every day to impress her with flowers or love letters, which made her laugh with enjoyment.

As time went on, the town came into some hard times. The business wasn't booming like it was before. More and more people lost their jobs and became beggars on the streets. The orphanage wasn't the only place struggling for money. Everyone was struggling. Bartaner had to make a hard decision one day; to adopt immoral means in order to keep the children safe or close the orphanage. He made the hard decision to leave the orphanage in the caring hands of Sister Stephine before setting out to make some money for them.
Bartaner, or B, became notorious for visiting neighboring cities and stealing from their royals. This scheme, however, did not last as cities went on high alert in these hard times. Everyone was stealing in order to put food in their bellies. B decided to find a crew to run with. It wasn't fun to do it all on his own. He set out to try and find the famous Thieves Guild "The Serpents" led by the ruthless Black Smog. B searched for days until he stumbled upon the legendary bandits' city Phantom Walk. After struggling to find Smog for 6 nights, B met a mysterious hooded man who only announced himself as Helm. B told his story to Helm, who was touched by his loyalty to the children he watched over. Helm agreed to escort B to the lair of The Serpent.
After walking around in what felt like circles they came to the underground hidden headquarters of The Serpents. Helm showed B to the entrance but explained he could not enter. B had to do this alone in order to join the ranks. B walked through the large metal doors to reveal a dark room, only lit by the hole in the ceiling which let bright moonlight to peek in. B approached the large pile of gold, where a top sat the legendary thief he was searching for.
Before B could react, a large blade was held to his throat. He froze, unsure of where this person even came from. The man on top of the gold waved his hand to stop the figure. "Don't harm him… yet."
In an instant, the person behind him lowered his weapon and almost teleported to kneel at the base of the gold. B stood awkwardly at the entrance before he slowly walked towards the mountain of glittering gold.
He cleared his throat feeling very anxious in the presence of this strong presence.
"Um… I'm looking for the leader of The Serpents. I'm in need of a job," he stammered out.
As he spoke, a large crowd seemed to emerge from the darkness. Everyone was wearing hoods to conceal their faces. The moonlight highlighted the features of their faces, giving off a very sinister vibe. B suddenly shivered feeling a chill run down his spine.
A booming voice came down from the mountain of treasure, "You're a long way from home. Must be a very noble cause to come and search for a job from us." The figures in the hoods all smirked. A single golden tooth in each of their mouths seemed to glow in the low light.
"I need the money to save the orphanage I run. I can't let the kids down, " B replied. No one said a word.
"I've also become good at stealing. I once forced a small city near my home into lockdown," he said quickly, puffing his chest a bit. The silence weighed upon the room almost sucking the air from the lungs of everyone. No one moved a muscle. Shit, I'm going to die here, aren't I? he thought to himself. But suddenly, the crowd erupted into wild cheers and applause. The hooded figures dropped their hoods as they surrounded B. They gave him words of praise, shaking his hands and patting him on the back. B stood there like a deer in headlights obviously confused by how he was still alive.

"I've heard of you, Bartaner Glive. I know every bandit on this plane. I've been watching you," The voice said, sliding down to the floor from the mountain of gold. Helm trailed at the side of the leader, smiling to B. The leader thrust his hand out for B to take. "Hey there! I'm the leader of The Serpents. Black Smog is the name and stealing is my game. But you can just call me Smog," the man said. The trifling before him was stunning with jet black skin and a massive build. His hair was a jumbled mess on top of his head and swirled around his massive horns. His silver eyes almost glowed in the dark as he smirked at B, waiting for him to take his hand.
"That's a bit unnerving", B said with a smirk as he shook Smog's hand. It was rough and calloused, the hands of a thief.
"It's as if the Gods themselves aligned the stars just for you B," Smog said, leading him deeper into the hideout. The members bustled about filling mugs with ale and getting out cards to start gambling. Helm trailed behind the two.
"I have a job, and I want your help. The job is nothing easy, but with high risk comes high reward. I’ll send you along with a small group to the Coast of Malice to retrieve the Gems of Lyra, the Goddess of Trickery. Each Gem is worth 50,000 Gold. You return with the six Gems, and I will pay you 50,000. Easy right?" Smog spoke with a timbre that demanded attention.
B dropped his jaw right open in disbelief, “What’s the catch? There’s no way you would just let me walk in here and leave with 50,000 Gold.”
“I’m disappointed in you B," Smog said with a pouty face. He paused in a hallway and gestured to the walls which were littered with expensive-looking paintings. "Look around you, I have no need for Gold. I simply want the Gems for myself. There are no catches," Smog raised a right hand as to swear to B. The teifling suddenly leaned in close to B, a deadly smile creeping across his face. “However, if you cross me I will destroy this entire plane to find you. There is nowhere you can hide from me. I’ve been watching you since you in your mother’s womb," Smog said, sending chills down the spine of both B and Helm. But then as quickly as that came, the moment passed and he smiled warmly. "Now, let's get down to business shall we?"
The Serpents allowed B to sleep in their quarters. After 2 weeks of rigorous training, B set out with the Serpents, heading for the Dreaded Coast of Malice. The journey was simple. The waters of the sea were strangely calm as winter drew near. From the sea, a large temple could be seen looming above the beach below. As they reached land, B gathered his gear, preparing himself for whatever lay ahead of them.
The group headed toward the temple singing songs of past adventures. B tried to join along but he hardly even knew the words. The temple was rather simple with basic traps that were no match for the bandits cunning. As they headed deeper into the ancient building, they approached a large room with a strange light seeping into the large hallway. When they entered, they stopped dead in their tracks. A massive mountain of gold, silver, and bronze coins surrounded a pedestal in the middle of the room. In the center, the Gems glittered in the low light. All six of them were resting on pillows matching the colors of the gems. They looked magnificent! The bandits cheered and began to pile the treasure into their bags.
Suddenly the door they entered through slammed shut. Panic ensued as a pink gas filled the room. One by one the bandits fell onto the floor in a deep sleep. B felt the strong urge to sleep as he breathed in the gas. He tried to fight it by covering his nose and mouth with his scarf but succumbed to the slumber.

He woke to a different scene. A vibrant garden surrounded him on all sides. Flowers and plants he couldn't even place swayed slightly in a warm breeze. The sky was a soft shade of pink without a cloud around. A pond was in the middle with a several waterfalls rushing into it. As he blinked against the bright sunlight, a figure came into view.
Before him was a very tall woman of 9 feet with pink flowing hair. It reached her waist as it blew in the wind and brushed against her deep-toned skin. She met his gaze and smiled warmly at him. Her smile was large and calming. She motioned for him to come closer as she sat in front of the pond.
"What are you doing here mortal," the woman asked, staring deep into the pond. Before B could respond, the woman spoke again. "My name is Lyra, the Goddess of Trickery and Cunning. I've been watching over you for a long time, Bartaner," she paused to look up at him.
B looked confused as always and chucked. "Man, what is it with people watching me," he grumbled as Lyra laughed. It sounded like a mixture between a bell twinkling and a chime blowing in the wind.
"I must admit, I've unfortunately fallen for you. I know what you're thinking, a Goddess and a mortal human shouldn't be together. That would just be bad. But I had to finally introduce myself to you and confess my undying love to you. I'm in love with everything about you, Bartaner. Your looks, your charm, your devotion to your orphanage. I just love it all," she swooned, batting her long eyelashes at him.
B blushed sheepishly, staring at the ground. He was nothing special in terms of looks. He stood at average height with an average build. Scars from his job covered his body, cutting weird shapes into his skin. His black hair was frizzy and standing on end at all times of the day and his eyes were plain dark brown. A Goddess… in love with me?! He shook his head before looking at her and smiled.
"Sorry Lyra, I only have enough room for one woman in my life. My heart belongs to Sister Stephine. But I'm very flattered," he said, imaging Sister Stephine in his mind.
Lyra gave him a very confused look. The moment lasted for what seemed like forever as she processed the rejection she had been handed. She turned her face back to the pond as her hair began to rise. It changed slowly from a light pink to an intense shade of maroon. The sky changed color to match her hair as the water of the pond began to boil. The flowers closed in around themselves as the sunset, letting a full blood moon take over the sky.
Lyra stood up suddenly and landed a powerful slap on B's face. Her eyes were ignited in fury and she balled her hands into fists as she towered over B. She shouted furiously as the ground began to shake, "No one turns me down! How could you come here and lead me on like this!? I will never forgive you for this!"
She pushed B into the pond as tears started to stream down her beautiful face. The water began to gather into a whirlpool, pulling B into the center. He struggled against the water but was completely swallowed by the darkness.
He awoke in the treasure-filled room once again, gasping for air. The other bandits were all still asleep, but the door was wide open. B had a decision to make and he needed to make it fast. He stood quickly and sprinted to the display, shoving all of the Gems into his backpack. The Gems were hot to the touch and burned his hands as he put them in. After, B sprinted out of the temple and toward the boat. As he prepared to leave, the rest of the bandits emerged yelling at him as they pulled out their weapons. B pushed the boat out and jumped in. As he set out the bandits screamed obscenities and curses at B, vowing to hunt him down to the end of his days. B just smirked and gave a subtle salute.
The journey was difficult on his own, the sea now choppy and chaotic. Eventually, B made it back to the mainland. After traveling on foot for weeks, he finally made it back to the capital city Farole. He took the Gems to the famed collector Aneirin Erevyn to make a profit. Ane examined the gems closely and understood their value. She offered 350,000 gold for all six, which B happily agreed to. She told B to meet her agent in his hometown this way the government and her competitors would be in the dark about the transaction. B once again agreed. He made the trek back to his home.
He didn't go straight to the orphanage even though he wanted it. It had been months since he had last been home with the kids and Sister Stephine. He hid in the shadows waiting for the agent. As promised, a man wearing the collector's symbol approached. B smiled and stuck out his hand. "Howdy there, I'm Bartaner. I assume you're here for the Gems?" The man didn't respond back and ignored his outstretched hand. He stuck out his own for the bag. "Wow, what a friendly man," he mumbled as he handed over the bag. The man checked to see if the Gems were in there and then handed over a large satchel of gold. The man still said nothing but now held his hand to B to seal the deal with a handshake.

As they shook hands, a strange and strong wind suddenly pushed the two. The agent tripped over a rock and tumbled down a tall and steep staircase to the left of them. He hit the bottom with a dull thud, the bag of Gems laying next to him as two town guards happened to walk by. They stared at the limp man then up at B, then back down to the man and then again at B. Before B could react the guards charged towards him shouting for him to stop. B didn't waste any time and sprinted into the night. His mind was racing. The strange wind felt so familiar yet menacing.
He laid low for 3 days. He knew he couldn't run the orphanage but he couldn't stand to leave the orphanage without the gold he worked so hard to get. He slipped in one night and left the gold on the kitchen table. He quickly wrote a note to Sister Stephine.
"Dear beloved Sister Stephine,
I've run into some trouble. I can't explain it right now but know I'm innocent. Here's the gold I worked so hard for. Please use it to feed the children and keep the orphanage running for me. I will return once I'm cleared.
I love you, even though you don't love me back.
Love always,

For the next few months, B attempted to stay under the radar. He moved from city to city where unfortunate events seemed to follow in his wake. It wasn't long after another murder happened while he was around that he was finally caught. B spent several nights awake in prison before he finally crashed due to fatigue. As he dreamed, he was visited by a familiar face. Lyra stood before him in the same garden as before. The sky was a sickly green that matched her swirling hair. Her grin gave off a sinister tone, as she fiddled with a flower in her hand.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A man in prison for a series of unfortunate events that he had nothing to do with? How pitiful," she cooed slyly as she waltzed around him.
B shook his head, crossing his arms. "I swear I never did any of it. You've been watching me so I know you've seen what's been going on! I'm innocent," he cried out to her.
"I know you are," Lyra replied, winking, "I may or may not of have cursed you for rejecting me." She giggled which didn't have the same nice tone as before. Instead, it sounded like metal scraping against metal, ringing in his ears. "I've definitely had a hand in making sure your life has been a living hell as a punishment," Lyra said as she stopped in front of the pond. It bubbled and popped, resembling a witches brew in a cauldron. "And now you're stuck in prison for various amount of crimes you didn't commit. But, there is a way I would lift the curse that I put upon you," she said in a sing-song tone. "If you agree to come to live with me and be by my side as my boyfriend for all eternity, I'll lift the curse!"
B stood there with a look of shock on his face but wasn't surprised. He knew that something bad would have happened when he rejected the Goddess of Trickery and Cunning. He shook his head before he replied in defeat, "Fine, I'll be your boyfriend. Now please let me out of here!"
She squealed in delight and danced in a small circle. The sky turned a soft yellow to match her changing hair. The water turned back to its calm aqua blue as she waltzed up to B. She landed a quick kiss on his cheek, which burned like fire, before clapping. "Great! Amazing! I'll let you out and lift the curse once you come back to my island. I'll be waiting for you," she sang as she drifted out of focus.
He awoke to a guard tapping on the bars of his cell. The guard had a bright pink gloss over his eyes. He winked before slowly unlocking the door. B jumped up and kissed the guard on the cheek. A familiar voice spoke from the guard's lips, "Now come to me, my love!"
B gathered his things and walked through the front door. As soon as he exited, he sprinted back towards his homeland, as far away from the island as he could. A high pitched voice boomed from the prison, shaking the building and the ground surrounding it. "Gods damn you, Bartaner! You will rue the day you ever rejected me!"
B knew that he would spend the rest of his life not only running from Lyra but The Serpents as well. He didn't know what to do from now on, but no curse would stop him from living the life he wanted.
Now, does anyone know how to lift a curse planted on someone by a Goddess?
The original idea was given to us by Jarred Watherston. It was written and edited by us, Bards of Lore!