Hi Scribes! This backstory is based on an idea given to us by Nick. He wanted a lizardfolk Barbarian that was apart of a tribe. He didn't mind which way we took his story, so here's what we came up with. Let us know what you think!
On the outskirts of a large mountainous continent lies a mysterious black marsh. The marsh aptly named "The Obsidian Pools" was home to the continent’s most curious and dangerous creatures. Among those creatures was a clan of hunters named the Blood-Maw. The Blood-Maw were notorious for their ability to use the terrain to enhance their tracking abilities. Born among the darkness, was Ko'izak. Ko was born to very caring but strict parents. His father Kirrect was a master tracker, he showed his son the ropes on how to stalk his prey for days on end without being found. His mother Gira was the tribe’s best warrior. She showed Ko how to use his rage to defeat enemies, with passion and skill. Ko grew to become one of the most trusted hunters in the Tribe. Being one of 4 LizardFolk in the tribe, his opinion was heavily considered in clan decisions. Life was normal until the rest of the world discovered what was truly under the Obsidian Pools.

One day while hunting a large species of elephant, Ko stumbled upon a small squad of knights. This was strange as he had never seen other intelligent life in the Marsh. The leader of the squad nervously approached and introduced himself as Gilden Glaive. He explained their King sent them to the Marsh to investigate a flux in magical energy. Ko was cautious but curious about the Knights. He led them to the Tribe where the Elders conversed. In the days following more and more new people came to the Swamp. Ko was anxious by the changes yet, excited for the idea of new trade. For weeks the newfound city would send knights and mages alike. As more came, strange things began to happen in the Marsh. The wildlife was inactive, the water recedes, and the area in which the Blood-Maw could live was being limited. The Elders expressed their concern to the Knights but were ignored. All of the conflicts came to a boiling point when a Blood-Maw was exploring a cave previously accessible to the tribe. A group of knights arrived and intimidated the child into leaving the area.
Once the child returned, The Tribesmen were outraged. They demanded the Knights leave the Marsh at once. When they refused a large conflict erupted. It happened quickly, the Blood-Maw were outmatched when it came to numbers and defeat was imminent. Gira quickly gathered supplies and order Ko to flee with his little brother Xirax. Reluctantly, Ko accepted. They fled the Marsh until they were picked up by a large Knight that Ko remembered to be Gilden. Gilden was quiet when he spoke, showing a bit of remorse. He explained that they had orders to destroy the Blood-Maw in order to further their goals. Gilden could not bring himself to raise his blade to Ko, instead, Gilden placed them in shackles and transported them to the city.
While Gilden couldn't kill Ko, he was still a Knight who had to follow orders. Ko and Xirax were thrown in the city prison. It was a mining facility filled with cells and rough looking people. Ko spent months there meeting people and building relationships. Among those relationships, was his best friend, a Hulking Orc named Goro. While he never confirms the rumors, legend has it that Goro was the reason they build the prison underground. He kept breaking out and destroying buildings. For this reason, he was gifted the alias " The Terror". Goro, Ko, and Xirax spent the following two years getting very close. As they grew older, treatment became worse. As prisoners began dying of hunger and thirst, the three understood what they had to do. The three enlisted the help of the abled-bodied prisoners, as well as the former Knight Gilden. Over the years the city became terribly corrupt, forcing him into retirement. The plan was set and the day arrived. The group of rebels laid in wait for the right moment.
Suddenly, the magic field keeping them locked was destroyed, once it was Goro led the prisoners toward the light. The guards were no match for the rebellion. The surface was reached and for the first time in years, Ko felt the sun and saw the light. The rebels defected to the mountains where they established a small society. From then on they worked as mercs and bounty hunters, slowing building strength to dismantle the government that was responsible for taking everything from them.
The original idea was given to us by Nick Hauber. It was written and revised by us, Bards of Lore. We take no credit for the creation of this character!