Anthony Burrow came to us with an idea for a tabaxi ranger who was hunting drow in the under dark. He knew he wanted those key elements, but didn't know how to formulate them into a story! So, we whipped something up for him! Enjoy!
Fang in the Mist grew up in a small and quiet town. He was raised within a loving family with his siblings, and had a great childhood. Even though this sounded like the perfect life, he was absolutely bored by it. He craved adventure and action! So naturally, like any rambunctious kid, he got himself into a lot of trouble trying to satisfy the hunger for adventure.
Once Fang was old enough to be on his own, he decided he was tired of his quiet life. He said goodbye to his family and set off into the world. He experienced everything he wanted and more! Majestic mountains, vast seas, flourishing forests and met so many other people! Along the way, Fang met his partner in crime, Anna, a halfling bard who just wanted to get her music career going. The two were inseparable for about 2 years, just going around, having the time of their lives!
One night, the pair were finishing up a long day of exploring in a large city. They rented two rooms and spent the night one of the local taverns. In the morning, Fang awoke before his counterpart and waited eagerly for her down in the common area. But, soon, almost an hour had passed and Fang was getting impatient. Usually she slept in, but never this late! So he stormed to her room and knocked loudly. As his hand met the wooden door, it slightly creaked open, showing it was left ajar.

It was a bit strange, so before barging in, Fang called in, "Hey Anna, you awake in there?" When he was met with no response, he slowly pushed the door open and peeked his head in. The sight in the dark room made his blood run cold. His one and only dear friend was in a heap on the floor, surrounded by her own blood. Someone had killed her!
Hours passed as the local authority closed the room as a crime scene. They questioned everyone, Fang included, looking for any leads. He was approached by a large woman, the chief in charge of this force of men and women. They knew Fang had nothing to do with it and tried their best to console him. She cleared her throat awkwardly and said, "It looks like Anna was yet another victim of the Serpent. I'm so sorry, kid."
She went on to explain who this mysterious person was. A serial killer has been going from town to town all over the local area, murdering people in cold blood for seemingly no reason. He has left a string of devastation in his wake as he lurks from town to town. They believed him to be a very pale and sinister looking drow with deep crimson eyes, long black hair, and a snake tattoo covering his right arm.
Fang couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked up at the woman, rage burning in his eyes. "I swear to you, Anna, and anyone else who has perished or will die at the hands of this Serpent, I will bring him down."
Months had passed since that night. Fang has become an expert Hunter of the under dark, finding and hunting packs of evil and wicked drow all over the land. He follows the path of death that the Serpent leaves behind him, drawing closer and closer every time he strikes. Fang will not rest until the Serpent is served the justice he deserves, or dies to repent for all the evil he's done.
The original idea was given to us by Anthony Burrow. It was revised and edited it by, Bards of Lore. We don't take any credit for the character or the idea!