How are you Scribes? Today, we have a backstory requested by Joseph Nara. He wanted a Dragonborn character that was a bit odd. He wanted this character to be more on the kind-hearted side rather than chaotic. So, here is what we came up with! Let us know what you think!
Eldrin's story began when he was just an infant. Eldrin was born into a small society of elves and humans. This made the mysterious circumstances of his birth all the more strange. Eldrin, was born half-man half-dragon. The town elders had already been wary due to the strange egg that was found on the outskirts of the village. While most believed it to be simply a large bird's egg, others believed it to be evil. The town waited anxiously for its hatching, but nothing could have prepared them for the outcome.

On a foggy morning in summer, the egg began to hatch. When the creature from within emerged, it called everyone's faith into question. Before them sat a young humanoid black dragon. The town was terrified, all but one woman. Her name was Firi. She was the owner of the orphanage in town and knew he needed a home. Firi brought Eldrin in and began to raise him. She taught him to read, write and proper etiquette. She began to raise him full time and ended up adopting him 2 years after his birth. The townspeople never grew to the idea of Eldrin living among them, but due to their mostly passive nature, they allowed it to continue. That is until an incident occurred that caused everything for the town, Firi, and Eldrin to change.
One day, while playing with the other children of the village, Eldrin accidentally severely injured another child with his claws. Firi pled to the Elders to forgive the child, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. The town determined the child needed to be banished as he was a threat to the citizen's safety. Firi quickly sprung into action and attempted to hide the child in her home, but it was not enough. The town guard arrived and took the boy by force, causing her to lose her life in the confrontation. While they attempted to apprehend Eldrin, he managed to defend himself and wound a guard. For the townspeople, this was enough. The elders sentenced Eldrin to death, the first time this had happened since the village's founding. He spent days in jail before they walked him to the cliff's edge. As they prepared the ceremony, the elders were approached by two individuals. One a hulking Giant, and the other a stunningly glamorous Tabaxi. The giant spoke with a booming voice, "What do you think you're doing with this child?"
Before anyone could answer the nimble Tabaxi swiped Eldrin from the guards and returned to the protection of her counterpart. The elders were shocked as they stared at the three abnormal beings in front of them. The giant spoke again, his grin could be seen through the hood that obscured his face, "We will be taking him, and if anyone tries to stop me, I'll lay waste to that pathetic excuse of a society." The Elders had no choice but to watch as the three walked away.
The beginning of the journey was silent, Eldrin was unsure of his surroundings as they walked far further than he had before. Once they arrived at a large cave opening, the tabaxi woman spoke for the first time, "You'll stay with us now,'' her words were soft as she knelt down to look Eldrin in the eyes.
"People are afraid of what they don't understand, and it's not your job to change their minds. All you can be is yourself."
The woman introduced herself as Myta the Mystic and the Giant man introduced himself as Atlas the Abomination. From that point forward, the two raised Eldrin as their own. Atlas showed him the skills he learned as a royal guard. Myta showed him the ways of magic and sorcery. The three traveled together. Taking what they needed from whoever didn't. This was their life for 15 years.

As time progressed, Atlas became very ill. Myta could do nothing but watch as her love slowly faded in front of her. Before long she too fell ill. With both his parents in dire condition, Eldrin set off to find any source of magic or medicine to heal the only ones who ever saw him as an equal. But what would the cost be for such a feat?
Original idea given to us by Joseph Nara. It was written and revised by us, Bards of Lore! We take no credit in the creation of this character!